Registration for our winter skills clinics is now open, this clinic will focus on various softball skills including defense and hitting. The cost for this 5 week clinic is only $30.
This will be a five week clinic that will be held on the following Sundays: 1/19, 1/26, 2/2 , 2/16 and 2/23
All clinics will be at Blackberry Creek Elementary School gym, players should wear gym shoes, the only equipment required is a fielding glove but they should bring their normal game softball equipment if they have it.
There are two age groups for each clinic, if you have any questions please contact us before registering.
3 to 4 PM : 3rd/4th/5th Grade
This clinic is recommended to girls who will be participating in our Minor A program and will use an 11” softball.
4 to 5 PM : 5th through 8th Grade
This clinic is recommended to girls who will be participating in our Majors or Juniors program and will use a 12” softball.
What about Minor B?
We will be holding a clinic later this winter for all our Minor B players, registration will open in February.